Sinopsis Drama Destined With You (2023):
Drama ini menceritakan kisah cinta seorang pegawai negeri sipil, Lee Hong Jo (Jo Bo Ah). Ia adalah sosok pekerja keras dan selalu melakukan yang terbaik di kantor. Ia juga sudah terbiasa hidup sendiri.
Sementara, Jang Shin Yu (Rowoon SF9) adalah pengacara kompeten yang cerdas dan tampan. Oleh karena itu, ia kerap menjadi sorotan banyak orang. Sayangnya, ia menderita penyakit yang tidak diketahui dan kondisinya semakin memburuk.
Namun, ternyata penyakitnya adalah kutukan yang sudah lama menimpa keluarganya selama beberapa generasi. Untuk menghempaskan kutukan tersebut, ia harus menemukan buku terlarang.
Ternyata, Lee Hong Jo tidak sengaja memiliki buku terlarang yang sudah disegel selama 300 tahun. Tidak tahan dengan kutukan tersebut, Jang Shin Yu pun mencari Lee Hong Jo. Apakah buku terlarang tersebut adalah jawaban dari kutukan keluarga Jang Shin Yu?
Drama: Destined With You/ 이 연애는 불가항력
Also Known As: Irresistible Love , This Relationship Is Force Majeure , I Yeonaeneun Bulgahangryeok
Genres: Law, Romance, Drama, Fantasy
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 16
Aired: Aug 23, 2023 – Oct 12, 2023
Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
Jo Bo Ah sebagai Lee Hong Jo
Ro Woon sebagai Jang Shin Yoo
Ha Joon sebagai Kwon Jae Kyung
Yoo Ra sebagai Yoon Na Yun
Download Drama Korea Destined With You Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Upstream | MegaUp | Mp4upload | Uptobox | SendCM | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | SeEndcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Krakenfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 2
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Upstream | Mp4uplod | Uptobox | Sendcm | Google Drive | GETT | Pixelrain | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Seendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Krakenfiles | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 3
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | MegaUp | Upstream | Hexupload | Uptobox | Sendcm | Google Drive | Mirrored | Pixelrain | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | KrakenfiLes | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 4
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | Hexupload | Uptobox | Sendcm | Google Drive | MegaUp | PixelDrain | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | KrakenfiiLes | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 5
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Upstream | TeraBox | GETT | Uptobox | SendCM | PixelDrain | Google Drive | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): MegaUp | Mirrored | Upstream | Krakenfiles | Pixelrain | Sendcm | Streaming
540p (RAW): Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | KrakenfiLes | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 6
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Hexupload | Upstream | Uptobox | TeraBox | Google Drive | GETT | PixelDrain | Streamws | SendCM | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediiFfire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indonesia | English Sub | Indexsubtitle
Episode 7
360p (Hardsub Indo): Uptobox | Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Streaming | Hexupload | Upstream | SendCM | Vidguard | | Pixeldrain | GDrive | TeraBox | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | GDrivee | GETT | Upstreaam | PixelDrain | Filelion | Send
540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | GDrivee | GETT | Upstreaam | PixelDrain | Filelion | Send
720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | GDrivee | GETT | Upstreaam | PixelDrain | Filelion | Send
1080p (Harsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | GDrivee | GETT | Upstreaam | PixelDrain | Filelion | Send
540p (RAW): Uptobox | Krakefiles | Mediafiire | STape | Hexupload | Upstreem | Send | Streaming
720p (RAW): Uptobox | Krakefiles | Mediafiire | STape | Hexupload | Upstreem | Send | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 8
360p (Hardsub Indo): KrakenFiles | Hexuplod | Upstream | Sendcm | Uptobox | Mediafire | Vidguard | Pixeldrain | Hellabyte | TeraBox | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | QIWI | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | Send
540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | Helala | QIWI | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | Send
720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | QIWI | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | Send
1080p (Harsub Indo): TeraBox | Hellaa | QIWI | Upstream | PixelDrain | Streamws | FileLion | Send
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediFfire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 9 Re Up
360p (Hardsub Indo): KrakenFiles | Qiwi | Upstream | Sendcm | Mediafire | Gofile | TeraBox | MegaUp | Google Drive | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Driive | Mediafiire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Driive | Mediafiire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 10
360p (Hardsub Indo): KrakenFiles | Qiwi | Upstream | Sendcm | Mediafire | TeraBox | HellaBY | GETT | PixelDrain | FileLion | Send | Mediafire | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | QIWI | GETT | Upstream | Pixelrain | Streams | FileLion | SendCM
540p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | QIWI | GETT | Upstream | Pixelrain | Streams | FileLion | SendCM
720p (Hardsub Indo): TeraBox | QIWI | GETT | Upstream | Pixelrain | Streams | FileLion | SendCM
1080p (Harsub Indo): TeraBox | QIWI | GETT | Upstream | Pixelrain | Streams | FileLion | SendCM
540p (RAW): Krakenfiles | Google Drive | Mediafire | Sendcm | Upstram | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 11
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Qiwi | Upstream | Sendcm | Vidguard | Gett,su | Filelions | TeraBox | HellaBYTE | Mirror | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 12
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Qiwi | Upstream | Send | Vidguar | Gett,su | Filelion | TeraBox | HellaBY | Mirror | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 13
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Google Drive | Upstream | Send | Vidguar | Gett,su | Filelion | TeraBox | HellaBY | Mirror | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 14
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | Send | Vidguar | Gett,su | Google Drive | Filelion | TeraBox | HellaBY | Mirror | MegaUp | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
720p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 15
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | | MegaUp | Streamtape | Upstream | Send | TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GDrive | Mirrored | Filelions | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFFire | Sendcm | Upstream | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 16 END
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | | MegaUp | Streamtape | Upstream | Send | TeraBox | Hella | GDrive | Mirrored | Filelions | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstreeem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
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